Rates / Confidentiality
Following the German standard practice, all CLS translations are charged per line of finished target text. A "line" is defined as 55 characters in an unformatted ASCII format file of the completed target text. (N.B.: This includes blank spaces and punctuation marks, but not formatting characters such as bullets and footnote characters. This is NOT the statistic displayed as the MS Word Document Property Statistic "Characters", which is usually higher.)Proofreading and editing are charged by the hour, with a one half hour minimum
All orders are subject to legally applicable value added / sales taxes.
Feel free to contact CLS for details on the frame agreement with your company.
For most corporate customers, the question of confidentiality is formally regulated in the respective frame agreements. Otherwise specific formal confidentiality agreements can be made on a customer-specific basis or for individual orders.
Even in the absence of explicit formal agreements, I consider absolute confidentiality in all aspects of the translation process, ranging from order placement to translation content and accounting information, a personal and professional prerogative. Protecting the value of the customer's information is essential.