Orders / Contacting CLS
Before you order: On request, we'll be glad to prepare a non-binding cost estimate after submission of a sample text. Estimated turnaround times vary according to job size and current work volume.
CLS works on an ASAP, first-come, first-served basis. You receive your order as soon as reasonably possible, but no sooner: CLS charges no rush fees.
When placing an order, please remember to specify your billing address and a telephone number for follow-up inquiries.
Corporate customers are reminded to include a cost center and billing address (when other than specified in the respective frame agreement) with their orders.
Free-form order placement: To place an order for services, simply send us a free-form e-mail with the original document attached, indicating the desired completion date, your telephone number and other relevant details. We'll contact you to clear up any open issues and send you a confirmation before beginning work.
Contacting CLS
Conveniently located in central Munich, Germany, we'll be glad to receive your inquiries at any time by e-mail, or if you prefer, by telephone during normal business hours (CET). We ask our global customers to please keep the time zone difference in mind.
Surface post deliveries are only possible by prior arrangement.
CLS by telephone: +49 (0)173 922 3410
CLS by e-mail: Translation@jamescohen.de